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We were born to a world that knows no limits and thrives almost effortlessly! Nature flows in harmony with universal forces. Yet, from our physical birth, we were taught resistance. We were taught to fight. And the more we pushed against each other and our differences, the greater the honor.
Over centuries, we normalized a life where we allowed every label possible from politics and social class to science and even religion to be used against us; to brand us, isolate us, and further divide us from each other. We allowed ourselves to be separated—not only from our true nature and our relationship with the planet but also from our connection with the divine.
The awareness of our connection, of our humanity, was fading. Many questioned the meaning of our lives in a losing game of resistance. We were losing everything; our home, our health, our relationships, our peace of mind, and even hope.
It took a global pandemic before enough of us realized that no amount of money, followers, or fame could ease the pain of our separation. While billionaires built bunkers and tried to sell us salvation on rocketships, we knew that what we really needed was each other.
Now, we’ve awakened to the truth! More than anything, we want to recognize and reach for that connection—not just with each other, but to this infinite and intelligent flow of Energy that is essential to life and connects all of life. We know the more in harmony we become with these universal forces, the more we go with the flow, the more incredible our lives become. After all, we believe that well-being is our natural human inheritance!
So let it be known from this time and place that we accept this as a new rite-of-passage—one that belongs to a new vanguard of humanity, unwilling to permit the undoing of our connection, confidence, and dignities. And let everyone know, whether they wish us well or ill, that we shall rise up and pay any price to live our lives to the fullest and to Feel Alive!
You didn't arrive here by accident!
You're an explorer, like the rest of us, and we're glad you found FLUO.
You belong here. You're ready to learn, develop and make revolutionary changes in your life. You're up for the challenge, but you also want to have fun along the way. That's what the FLUO Family is about! Be a part of a community that embraces deep healing and celebrates the transformation of our lives together! Let that inner energy flow. It's time to Feel Alive!

The greatest revolution we can imagine is the elevation of our consciousness.
20% of Sales Go to the FLUO Foundation
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