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Inspiring Our Youth to Feel Alive™
Post-Pandemic our youth have been struggling in ways many of us couldn't even begin to imagine. It's hard enough reaching adulthood, dealing with our physical and emotional development, learning healthy social skills, but then consider the challenges they face today: a pervasive sense of fear, gun violence in schools, racial injustice, an opioid epidemic, devastating climate change, a media and culture that erodes their sense of self-worth, and we've just scratched the surface.
Recent national surveys of young people have shown alarming increases in the prevalence of certain mental health challenges. Aside from accidents, suicide is the leading cause of death among 10-34yo in America. This crisis is so bad that in October 2021, the U.S. Surgeon General issued an Advisory for an all-of-society effort needed in how we view and prioritize mental health.
At the FLUO Foundation, we feel it is our moral obligation to help our youth and we're rallying behind them! These challenges are real and widespread, but treatable and preventable. As an independent and donor-funded nonprofit, the FLUO Foundation is devoted to creating profound improvements for youth development. Our mission includes providing education in an inclusive community and environment that empowers our youth to master the art of living.
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Our youth live in vastly different circumstances than we have ever witnessed before. They need our guidance and support now.
FLUO & the FLUO Foundation have a unique ability to bring together those who truly want to help support the future of our youth. With love in our hearts, let's use our collective intelligence and gather our resources to rally behind our youth's well-being!
Our Youth Mental Health Crisis:
The US Surgeon General Report Shows Us How to Address a Problem Long Overdue
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